Classroom Income Tax
In order to get a sense of the real world of income tax, Brent's students filed a classroom income tax return each trimester based on the Coley Cash they earned during that trimester. Coley Cash was Brent's classroom currency, paid to students who were following the classroom rules and/or generally behaving as they should. Students then purchased goodies in the Coley Cash Store at the end of each trimester. Just like in the real world, students had the opportunity to deduct certain "expenses" to reduce their taxes owed. They also had the choice at the end of each pay period to withhold money to go toward their taxes at the end of the trimester.
Classroom Tax Forms
The forms below are available in PDF and Microsoft Word versions. Please feel free to download these forms and modify them for use in your classroom.
The forms below are available in PDF and Microsoft Word versions. Please feel free to download these forms and modify them for use in your classroom.
Form 34TE
Itemized Deductions
Tax Table
W-2 Income Statement